Heroin Addiction Treatment: The Emotional Roller Coaster In Finding Sobriety
After a heroin substance abuse treatment, finding sobriety seems to be a never-ending battle. However, it gets easier over time.
With addiction, people experience various emotions of high and low. Aside from fighting addiction, they experience fear, anxiety and more before experiencing the joy of getting sober.
The addiction:
People at the height of heroin addiction feel high and numb of the pain that they couldn’t ignore when they are sober. During early addiction, when getting a heroin abuse treatment is far from their mind, they feel different emotions: anger, fear, anxiety, depression, isolation. To get rid of these feelings, they resort to more heroin.
The intervention:
The thought of intervention to get a heroin addiction treatment is a scary thing for most people. Enrolling in a rehab center is a life-changing process and just thinking about it makes them more terrified.
The process of intervention should make them more trusting that they can change. It is during this stage that support is much needed to let them commit to getting a heroin drug abuse treatment.
The detox process:
The pain of detox during the heroin addiction treatment may seem unbearable for recovering individuals. However, the medical team can alleviate these symptoms with eh help of medications and therapies. The pain of addiction still haunts them and may continue as they go through their recovery program.
During the heroin abuse treatment:
While receiving a cure for heroin addiction, recovering individuals may feel different emotions. They may still feel scary about the process, but they become anxious about what will happen to them following their recovery program.
Somehow, they will also feel hopeful during the treatment period. As they attend the therapies that help them be a better person, they gain the tools that are necessary for them to face the world. They become hopeful and begin to see the positive things instead of the negative ones.
Early Recovery:
During their early recovery following their heroin addiction treatment, individuals may continue their recovery through safe houses or they may continue receiving an outpatient care. Whatever they need and decided, this period gives them a feeling of security and hope that things are better.
As they face triggers that can make them use heroin again, they are stronger to resist the temptations. Although they still feel negative with their recovery, the positive traits are far more than the feeling of doubt, fear and isolation.
Long term recovery:
This period may be months away or years after your cure for heroin abuse. Negative thoughts of using heroin may still haunt you, but you can easily fight it now. As you still undergo your continued recovery, you equip yourself with more tools to win sobriety for life.
Relapse may still be possible, but during this time, you achieved a more stable life, where you don’t need to depend on drugs to be happy or to escape your problems. Now you know how to face these issues, you are may now be celebrating your sobriety.